Building a Family Support Network for the LGBTQ+ Community

Join our mission to create a mobile platform that brings the LGBTQ+ community together, making it effortless to find support and reliable Stand-Ins wherever you are.

Stand in Pride

Who We Are &
What We Do

Stand In Pride is a 501(c)3 nonprofit connecting members of the LGBTQ+ community with chosen family. We believe in the power of acceptance and the profound impact of having a supportive family-especially for those in the LGBTQ+ community who have taken the brave step to come out. Unfortunately, not everyone receives the support they deserve.

This is where our mission starts: to match LGBTQ+ individuals without family support. We provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ individuals to find chosen family. Stand in Pride has thousands of members ready and willing to shower you with support and love.

They are willing to physically show up for any special occasion. Dealing with the challenges of today requires problem-solvers who bring different perspectives and are willing to take risks.

Our Vision
Our vision is to have every LGBTQ+ members have the support and love that they need.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to help any member of the LGBTQ+ community who has lost the love and support of family. We will help them get connected with a loving heart that will be their Stand in Family.

Become a partner.

Stand In Pride is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. This donation is tax deductible. If you are looking to partner or sponsor Stand In Pride, please contact us below.

Contact Us

Our Goal

Why are we building the Stand In Pride app

Stand in Pride was born out of the need for a space that embraces the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community. In a world that is still learning to fully understand and appreciate the spectrum of identities, we recognized the importance of a digital sanctuary where individuals can connect, find support or offer it, and celebrate their authentic selves without fear or judgment. Our goal is to extend our community from our Facebook groups into an app made just for them.​

Included Features

Explore Stand In
Pride's App Features

With your help we can bring life changing features and tools to the tip of your fingers.

No more navigating through endless profiles. Stand In Pride’s innovative feature streamlines the discovery of stand-ins, support, and friends in your area, so you can make it happen!

Ready to offer your support? List yourself as support or an available Stand-In. Allow others to find your support based on area, interests, and needs.

Direct messaging offers a private sanctuary for personal connections, fostering a space where your voice is heard and your journey celebrated. Start a conversation today and make lifelong connections.

Easily find and support local LGBTQ+ owned businesses in our business directory.

Find local events in your area

Tailor your connections by creating or joining groups that resonate with your interests, hobbies, etc.

Customize your social profile, username, profile image, and profile tags. Tag your profile as ‘Looking for support’ or ‘Offering support to easily understand someone’s journey with Stand In Pride.

Your safety is our priority. Our platform is equipped with robust safety features to ensure a secure and welcoming environment for all. From stringent privacy controls to real-time moderation, we’ve implemented measures to create a space where you can connect confidently.

Make it happen

Your Support

By supporting our crowdfunding campaign, you’re not just contributing to an app; you’re contributing to a movement. Your support enables us to support our developers & team, reach a broader audience, and make Stand in Pride a beacon of inspiration for the LGBTQ+ community.

Thank you for your support! 

-Dan Blevins
